Looking Forward

As we prepare for Thanksgiving 2020, I think we all can be thankful that we are approaching the end of this strange year.  At one point in late spring I researched the prophecies of Nostradomus to see if he had predicted a year of disasters in 2020 – but alas, he did not.  In fact, I have been unable to locate a single prediction of doom for this year anywhere, although several science fiction stories, novels and films have treated this era as one fraught with danger, both earth-based and coming from outer space.  Nevertheless, here we are, getting ready to celebrate a traditional holiday, with a traditional holiday meal, in a totally untraditional way.

For us at Vident, the year has been challenging, as it has been for most small businesses.  Litigation virtually stopped for several months in the spring and summer, creating a problem for lawyers, experts, expert witness referral services, and litigation support providers generally.  We’ve survived, and it appears that business is returning to something resembling normalcy.  We hope that your business continues to recover, that December is a month of growth for all of us, and that we can all celebrate the New Year, for all the right reasons.

So enjoy the holiday, be safe, stay healthy and keep a positive outlook.  We are all in this together.

Addendum: A reader referred me to the following, so it does appear that Nostrodamus may actually have predicted Covid during this year!

Perhaps Nostradamus Predicted Coronavirus After All... | KQED


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