How Do You Choose an Expert?

I’ve been in the expert referral business for 15 years, during which I’ve recommended consulting and testifying experts to hundreds of attorneys.  I’ve had my share of misses – i.e., either the attorney didn’t engage an expert I recommended, or an expert failed to satisfy the attorney and was replaced.  But in the large majority of cases, the expert I recommended was retained and met or exceeded the attorney’s expectations.

At this stage in my career, and in the careers of my two partners, our skill in identifying the right expert for each case is the reason Vident Partners continues to grow and prosper.  We have a lot of competitors, and they use a variety of approaches to the work.  Some referral services use algorithms as their selection tool; others simply send a batch of CVs to their clients.  We, on the other hand, use our knowledge of litigation; our mastery of the various areas of litigation we are working with (for an example of that, see last week’s blog,; and above all, our personal connections with each of the experts with whom we work.  In the end, what we do is relatively simple.  We discuss the case with the client attorney, thoroughly reviewing the issues, the jurisdiction, the specific state or local rules that must be followed, the possible makeup of the jury, and the award potential of the case.  Then we discuss the case with one or more experts with whom we have an ongoing relationship, and when we find the right expert, we recommend him or her to the client.  We almost always refer a single expert, and most of our referrals result in retentions.

So when you need an expert, and you’d like to get the right expert the first time rather than filtering through a group of CVs, contact us. 


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